Value Innovation, an expert of developing Human Resource for Japanese companies expanding in Thailand.

Theme Thinking

Skill to think about the optimum way for the purpose in one’s own initiative

In the theme thinking, it’s important to think about the “purpose” of the job, think about the better way, and bring out “what to do now positively” logically and on one’s own initiative even for the given job.
If someone can face the job on one’s own initiative, he/she can produce the higher result when facing the harder job or problem.

■ Instructor : Thai Instructor(POR)
■ Time : 10:00 to 17:00

Thu., Jul. 25 2024  10:00〜17:00  Thai Staff (Thai)  Instructor: POR
Thu., Aug. 22 2024  10:00〜17:00  Thai Staff (Thai)  Instructor: POR
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