Value Innovation, an expert of developing Human Resource for Japanese companies expanding in Thailand.

HOU・REN・SOU Management

・Learn the basic knowledge of [HOU REN SOU]
・Learn the point to thorough [HOU REN SOU] to subordinates

 What is Management? Management is defined as “Come out team’s performance through members”. Whether your subordinates are Thai or Japanese, manager has to give direction or instructions to their subordinates, and receive [HOU REN SOU] from them, in order to come out high performance of your team.
 However, in Thai, [HOU REN SOU] is not common at business. For example, most Thai workers think that reports are necessary after they are asked by their manager. Therefore it is necessary for Thai managers working in Japanese companies to learn the correct knowledge of [HOU REN SOU], and thorough their subordinates to do it.
 At this program, first you can learn the basic knowledge of [HOU REN SOU] (same knowledge as [HOU REN SOU] ). Second, you can learn the point to thorough [HOU REN SOU] from your subordinates.

■ Instructor: [For Thai managers] Thai instructor (POR)
        [For Japanese managers] Japanese and Thai instructor(SUZUKI & POR)
■Time: 14:00 thru 17:30
☆This training program is based on [HOU REN SOU] with a addition of point of thorough
 [ HOU REN SOU] to subordinates.

Fri., Jul. 12 2024  14:00〜17:30  Thai Manager (Thai)  Instructor: POR
Tue., Aug. 6 2024  13:00〜16:30  Japanese Manager (Japanese)  Instructor: SUZUKI、POR  ※Online
Wed., Aug. 21 2024  14:00〜17:30  Thai Manager (Thai)  Instructor: POR
Fri., Sep. 20 2024  14:00〜17:30  Thai Manager (Thai)  Instructor: POR
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